Monday, August 29, 2016

Decorating our Farm House-- Farm critter style :)

I thought I might give you a peek at how I have decorated our farm house. Now it is a farm house in all sense-- moved in with things in need of repair/or replacing and when you try to do a little at a time you start looking for ways to improvise while still keeping to a style you enjoy. So I have been using this website to make shower curtains and towels with pictures on them. Pictures I have taken of our homestead. The website is called, artscow. (artscow is based overseas and I have recommended it to a lot of people. Here is my advise if you choose to give them a try. Do not spend more money than you are willing to lose. It can and has taken up to a month or more to receive items. Not every item was good. If you google comments on them you will find people who have had some disappointing experiences with them. However the majority of mine have been great and remember this is overseas not your local photo shop) That being said I am showing your two pictures of the kitchen cabinets  and how I masked the dramatic imperfections in them. The valances are a shower curtain I cut up and used in three rooms. ( its really cool when the light shines the pictures on them. Another cool benefit is the rooms are now named. Its in the Goat room, Your staying in the peacock room....get it?)
I posted a pictures of the shower curtain -- I am sorry the picture is not good but you get the idea.

In the kitchen I have changed out the hand towels with new ones ordered every few years. I think it helps keep us in the here and now. LOL

Final thought on this. From experience use vivid color photos. Spring works best with lots of color and light. I tried fall and it was full of  browns and well I was not happy with them. I have not tried winter or a white winter photo.

Ok enjoy-------

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